Yoga Nidra

A meditation practice which can help the body and mind relax deeply.

All you need to do is lie down, make yourself comfortable and listen to the practice.

Don’t worry if you fall asleep or lose track of the instructions.

If you feel the urge to move, notice the urge and see if it goes away. If you still want to move, then move slowly and gently.

Each practice has…

- rotation of consciousness (taking your awareness around your body) -

- breath awareness (noticing and visualising the breath) -

- experiencing opposites (for example heavy and light) -

Some practices also include a visualisation, and reptition of affirmations - for example “I feel safe”. All parts of the practice are optional, if anything doesn’t feel right for you, you can focus on your breath until that part of the yoga nidra is over.

Leave time after your practice to adjust to the ‘real world’ and eat some food or have a cup of tea if you feel spacey.

Please get in touch if you would like to talk to me about your experiences or have questions.
